One's own egg vitrification/cryopreservation in order to make them available for future pregnancies.
*The price of the treatment is 2.600€ and it will be charged in Euros according to the currency exchange rate applied by the bank on the day of the transaction.
Woman between 18-35 years of age who wants to have guarantees that when she wants to be a mother she will have her eggs in their best condition. To be considered before starting potentially gonadotoxic treatments or any procedure that may later affect the woman's fertile capacity.
We can finance your treatment up to 24 months ¡Contact us!
Being respectful with woman's natural cycle and using mild stimulation, if possible, the woman's eggs are retrieved through follicular aspiration. This process is carried out under vaginal ultrasound guidance by the gynecologist who decides the best time, just before ovulation.
Retrieved eggs are vitrified in order to preserve and storage them efficiently in our banks. Woman can use them later whe she decides to start a family.
Madrid Fertility clinic C. de Joaquín María López, 44, 28015 Madrid
Barcelona Fertility clinic C/ Horaci, 9, bajos. 08022 Barcelona